Legislative Update: Mechanical Insulation Incentive Bill progress

With the support of Congressman Bob Dold, Republican from Illinois, as the new sponsor of the Mechanical Insulation Incentive Bill, we worked with his staff to identify a lead Democrat co-sponsor.

Congressman Bob Dold, R- Ill, and House Democrat co-sponsor, Congresswoman Linda Sanchez, D -Ca, introduced the Mechanical Insulation Incentive Bill (H.R. 4165) to the U.S. House of Representatives on Dec. 3.


The Mechanical Insulation Incentive bill was originally co-sponsored by Representative Sanchez, and has since gained the support of Representative Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill, in December of 2016, Representative Richard L. Hanna, R-NY in February of 2016, and most recently Representative Daniel Lipinski, D-Ill, on March 14.


Both Congressman Dold and Congresswoman Sanchez serve on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee and together, they are well-positioned to promote the tax incentive for mechanical insulation.


Due to a currently divided government and fundamental differences regarding tax reform, it is unlikely that the U.S. Congress and President Obama will work on comprehensive tax reform in 2016.


As a result, the Insulators International’s priority is to continue to build support for the Mechanical Insulation Incentive Bill. One of the best ways to gain support for this legislation is for members to encourage their U.S. Representatives to support and co-sponsor H.R. 4165. Here is a sample support letter, and Insulators International encourages members and all constituents to contact your U.S. House member to request their support from the Mechanical Insulation Incentive bill.


In the past, both conservative Republicans and progressive Democrats have supported the Mechanical Insulation Incentive Bill, so it is important that every U. S. House Representative hears the voters’ support for this bill. Members of Congress strive to be responsive to their constituents, especially those who take the time to express their views on specific legislation.


The Insulators want to track the letters that members send, please e-email copies of the request for support letters and their responses to Chip Gardiner, the Director of Government Affairs at cgardiner@insulators.org .

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