Lower your energy costs by installing mechanical insulation

The storm in Texas this winter caused unthinkable damage to homes, businesses and infrastructure, leaving many without running water and electricity. The International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers are continually promoting mechanical insulation and the many benefits. 


Recently, Mechanical Insulators Labor Management and Cooperative Trust Executive Director Pete Ielmini was a guest on a labor-focused podcast and explained the importance of mechanical insulation.  


The Texas winter storm prompted Brother Ielmini to explain the value of mechanical insulation and provide a mechanical insulation energy audit on the March 24 episode of the podcast.


He began the segment by detailing the differences between winterization and energy conservation, stating they are two separate things.


Following the comparison, Ielmini explained what happened in Texas. He said it was caused by complete unpreparedness. The result in being unprepared was devastating. This all could have been avoided if the utilities invested in mechanical insulation during the build of the infrastructure. 


While Texas does not normally experience such extreme weather, mechanical insulation works year round. Ielmini said the systems that failed due to cold weather could have been saved with mechanical insulation.


Pointing to energy and cost savings, Ielmini made the case for southern state residents and business owners to invest in mechanical insulation systems. While the upfront cost may seem steep, the insulation will have paid for itself after six months to two years.


Ielmini then discussed case study examples and project evaluations that can be found on the Mechanical Insulators LMCT website. The comparison is made between New York City and a random city in Texas. The cost to insulate is fairly similar and yields an extremely similar amount of annual savings.


He then explained the importance of hiring a reputable, skilled contractor, such as those who are signatory with the Insulators Union. Installing insulation is not enough, mechanical insulation needs to be properly installed in order to provide the promised benefits, adding that a properly qualified contractor will look beyond the pipe and insulate valves, boilers and other places where energy may be lost.


You can listen to Brother Ielmini explain the effects of a lack of mechanical insulation and the importance of a mechanical insulation energy audit below:

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